
data class StreamingServiceLink(var username: String?, var profileName: String?, var profileImageUrl: String?, var isProfilePINProtected: Boolean?, var isBroken: Boolean) : Parcelable

Streaming service link.

Contains informative user properties about the linked streaming service.


Link copied to clipboard
constructor(username: String?, profileName: String?, profileImageUrl: String?, isProfilePINProtected: Boolean?, isBroken: Boolean)


Link copied to clipboard

Whether this link is broken or otherwise has a problem that requires management or unlinking to address.

Link copied to clipboard

Whether this profile is pin protected if the service has profiles.

Link copied to clipboard

Selected profile image if the service has profiles.

Link copied to clipboard

Selected profile name if the service has profiles.

Link copied to clipboard

Service username or email.


Link copied to clipboard
abstract fun describeContents(): Int
Link copied to clipboard
abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)