Error codes reported by the SDK.

Enumeration Members

Unknown: "-10000"

An unknown error occurred.

SDKVersionNotSupported: "-10001"

The current version of the SDK is no longer supported.

SystemMaintenance: "-10002"

The system is currently down for maintenance.

NetworkRequestFailed: "-10003"

A network error occurred. The user is either offline or the server returned an invalid response. The specific http status code is available in the statusCode property of the userInfo dictionary.

OperationCanceled: "-10004"

The requested operation has been canceled.

InvalidArgument: "-10005"

An invalid argument was encountered.

ServiceFetchingFailed: "-20000"

The service fetch operation failed.

ServiceLinkingFailed: "-20001"

The service linking operation failed.

ServiceUnsupported: "-20002"

The service is not supported by the SDK.

ServiceTemporarilyUnavailable: "-20003"

The service is temporarily unavailable.

ServiceLoginFailed: "-20004"

The service login failed. The user should verify their login information.

ServiceProfileNotFound: "-20005"

The service profile was not found. The user should select another profile.

ServiceProfilePinMismatch: "-20006"

The service profile pin was not correct. The user should enter their pin again.

ServiceContentNotFound: "-20007"

This service content may no longer be available.

InvalidViewContext: "-30000"

The view context is invalid.